Step 1
Enter your portfolio value
Step 2
Enter your portfolio yield (monthly/annually).
This can be found on the summary or back page of your statement.
Step 3: Results
If you are below 3%, you may need to take action now as your portfolio is likely comparatively underperforming. Please complete the form below.
If your portfolio is producing cash flow above 3%, but below 5%, you should consider going throuogh a portfolio analysis to identify potential.
If your portfolio is producing above 5%, consider having your portfolio reviewed for current and future risks.
*Please note that a portfolio is not necessarily underperforming based solely on cash flow. This calculator is for education purposes only. Please understand that your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon in addition to cash flow will be the most accurate means of determining if your portfolio is underperforming. Please contact our office for further information and find out if we can help you.